KCPCG Spring Workshop with Maureen Carlson
Spinning in Place
Create a playful spinning accent piece which works both as a piece of art and as a decision maker. “Now, which direction should we go? Both, I say! This project idea initially started with a class that I took with Pier Voulkos. With her permission I present it here for you to enjoy, as I did, and do!” This project is all about shapes and design. How do we make it a functional spinner as well as make it beautiful? Those are the ideas that we'll explore in this class, as well, of course, the basic sculpting of hands, faces and shoes. Fun. Creative!! Maureen
The workshop will be recoreded and available for 30 days.
Cost for workshop is $150.00
Our Fee does not include membership to KCPCG
KCPCG Members paying by check may email [email protected] to request our Treasurer's contact information.
Registration for Maureen Carlson's workshop is currently open to everyone, however space is limited.
2025 Quarterly Zoom Meetings
We are trying a very different schedule for 2025 to make meetings available to more members. Please note the day and time for each meeting!!
January 9, 2025, Thursday Evening 6:30 pm CST
Demo: Peggy Bellm "New techniques with cutters"
Business meeting
Show and Tell
April 12, 2025, Saturday Morning,10:00 am CDST
Demo: TBA
Business Meeting
Show and Tell
July 9, 2025, Wednesday Evening, 6:30 pm CDST
Demo: TBA
Business meeting
Show and Tell
October 13, 2025, Wednesday Evening, 6:30 pm CDST
Demo: TBA
Business meeting
Show and Tell
KCPCG Workshops over the years (2005 to present)
Feb. 2005: KLEW – Polymer Clay Tips and Techniques
Jun. 2006: Jana Roberts Benson – Precision Lace Cane
Oct. 2006: KLEW – Translucent Canes
Feb. 2007: Jana Roberts Benson – Arabesque Caning and Fleur d’Lis, Strap Rivet Jewelry
Sep. 2007: Jana Roberts Benson – Finely Veined Leaf and Secret Shapes
Mar. 2008: Lynne Ann Schwarzenberg – Intensive Flower Caning, 5 Flowers from one Skinner blend
May 2008: Eugena Topina – Faux Cloisonné
Jun. 2008: Julie Picarello – Mixed Media Mokume Gane
Feb. 2009: Sarah Shiriver - Kaleidoscoping Your Skinner Blend & Polymer Fitted Bangle Bracelet with Elastic Closure
Oct. 2009: Barbara McGuire – Faux Bone Bracelets, Festive Framed Faces, Mokume Gane Gold Leaf
Mar. 2010: Barbara McGuire – Silver Clay, Face Cane
Oct. 2011: Lisa Pavelka -- Faux Dichroic Resin, Surface Techniques, Soldering
Oct. 2012: Julie Eakes – Face Cane
Apr. 2012: Barb Fajardo -- Mandela Beads and More
Sep. 2013: Carol Simmons -- Hidden Jewels Mokume Gane
Jul. 2014: Randy Ketzel & Kim Schlinke -- dZi beads, carnelian bangle, opal/bronze Celtic pendant
Mar. 2015: Ann and Karen Mitchell -- Engineering & Construction for Jewelry Design &
Liquid Polymer Clay: Everything but the Kitchen Sink
Aug. 2015: Maggie Maggio -- Color Inspirations
Apr. 2016: Dale Doroshow -- Books, Chaos Cards, Petals & Leaves
Aug. 2016: Deb Hart -- Turtle Box and Owl Tile
Mar. 2017: Carol Simmons -- Flowers and Totems
Jun. 2017: Alice Stroppel -- Cane Mapping
Oct. 2017: Jana Roberts Benson -- 3D Dimensional Cutwork & Backgroundless Flower Canes
Jul. 2018: Lindly Haunani -- Sagacious Sumptuous Color
Oct. 2018: Syndee Holt --Tips and Tricks and Photography with a cell phone
Jul. 2019: Barb Fajardo -- Colorful Chaos
Oct. 2019: Lindly Haunani -- Three Joyful Veneers
Jul. 2020: Deb Hart -- Rainbow & Art Deco Pens via Zoom
Aug. 2020: Layl McDill-- Bird via Zoom
Oct. 2020: Lynn Yuhr -- Meditative Magic via Zoom
Jun. 2021: Carol Blackburn -- Faire Isle Vessels via Zoom
Oct: 2021: Jana Roberts Benzon -- Still Life Masters via Zoom
Jun. 2022: Sarah Shriver –Mobiles and Hollow Beads via Zoom
Oct. 2022: Shelly Atwood -- Carved Vessels & Hinged Textured Pendants via Zoom
Jan. 2023: Julie Picarello -- Faded Tapestry Texture/ All Meshed UP via Zoom
Oct. 2023: Bonnie Bishoff-- Statement Necklaces and Embedded Findings via Zoom
Feb. 2024: Laurel Swetnam and Lea Gordinier--Unique, Flat Lidded Boxes via Zoom
Sept. 2024: Jana Honnerova--Variations on Circles, Faux Mosaics
Apr. 2025: Maureen Carlson --Spinning in Place
© KCPCG 2021